Raccogli i dati finanziari per accelerare il processo decisionale basato sui dati

A dashboard displaying multiple data visualizations and metrics. play icon

Unifica le fonti dati

Centralizing all your financial data into a single unified system provides a holistic view of your company performance, so you can generate insights. With tight and secure integrations that are ideal for connecting to your accounting, ERP, CRM, and HRIS systems, Prophix One keeps your data secure, encrypted, and available 24/7.

Rendi veolce il time-to-value

Pre-built connectors and APIs simplify and streamline new implementations, enabling faster time to value. When your business adds or transitions to a new business system, establishing a connection is a quick process. 

A diverse group of individuals engaged in a meeting, seated around a conference table, discussing ideas and collaborating professionally.
A woman sitting at a table with a laptop, focused on her work.

Riduci la dipendenza dall'IT

Take control of your financial data with Prophix One Data Integration. It is designed to make it easy for administrators to quickly add and manage data integrations with your business systems without needing to call on IT. Integrations are simple to set up and don’t rely on complex coding or reliance on costly third-party solutions. And once you’ve established a link to your data sources, it’s pretty much set and forget!

Integrazioni semplificate per ottenere i dati necessari a guidare il tuo business

A hand holding a clock icon, symbolizing time management and scheduling.

Consenti ai collaboratori di concentrarsi sulla attività a maggior valore aggiunto.

A target with a red and blue design, featuring an arrow precisely aimed at its center.

Assicurati che i tuoi dati siano affidabili e accurati.

A red and white icon displaying a graph, representing data analysis and visualization.

Assicurati di lavorare con i dati più recenti.

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Ottieni informazioni aziendali in tempo reale.

Una soluzione per ogni leader

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Chief Financial Officer

Fornisci una chiara visione dei dati per aiutare la tua organizzazione a governare le performance finanziarie ed essere preparato a gestire il futuro.

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Chief Information Officer

Ottieni visibilità e controllo dei tuoi dati finanziari in una piattaforma tecnologica sicura e di livello mondiale.

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Automatizza i processi e sblocca le tue potenzialità con l'analisi on-demand e il monitoraggio dei cash flow.

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A person working on a laptop with a graph displayed on the screen.

Fatto per i leader finanziari

Discover Prophix One and unlock your potential for success.

Automatizza e velocizza i processi che fanno perdere tempo.

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Consolidato più rapido, accurato e sicuro.

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Simple, intuitive self service data analysis.

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Simplify and transform processes in the office of the CFO.

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Fai che le tue decisioni aziendali siano basate sui dati.

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Prophix One integrates with almost any ERP system through the use of pre-built connectors, a flexible API, or flat files, if needed.

Prophix One Data Integration is purpose-built to easily connect Prophix One to other business systems like ERPs, HRIS and CRMs without the need for 3rd party integration vendors.

Yes! Prophix One administrators can easily manage or add new connections through an intuitive user interface.


in azione