Una soluzione automatizzata e collaborativa per elisioni intercompany più rapide

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Aumenta la precisione durante il processo di riconciliazione intercompany

Eliminate manual data collection hassles and errors involving multi-entities and multi-currencies by seamlessly integrating disparate data sources into Prophix One and automatically structuring the data to elevate your financial accuracy and operational efficiency. By automating data imports and using intelligent data mapping with built-in validation rules, Prophix One ensures a smooth and reliable data collection process. Say goodbye to wasted time collecting and formatting data – Prophix One Intercompany Management streamlines the entire process without the need for constant IT involvement to ensure accuracy in your intercompany transactions.

Abilita le filiali e mantieni il controllo finanziario

Evolve your financial reconciliation process by empowering legal entities to actively carry out transaction-level matching and issue resolution across your intercompany sales and purchases, while maintaining centralized oversight and control over the process. Intercompany Management enables entities to reconcile their part of the transactions and to resolve issues independently, eliminating the need for an intermediary, such as a group accountant. Enhance compliance, governance, and financial insight within your financial operations to make informed decisions and optimize global consolidations across your corporate structure with Intercompany Management.

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A screenshot of the customer service dashboard displaying real-time data and analytics. play icon

Migliora la collaborazione per un closing più rapido

Migliora la collaborazione tra i team grazie a una fonte unica per tutti i dati transazionali. Mantieni un audit trail dettagliato delle modifiche dei dati, delle rettifiche e delle regole di corrispondenza per garantire trasparenza e responsabilità. Promuovi la collaborazione attraverso aggiornamenti di stato, notifiche, commenti e condivisione di file all'interno di un unico ambiente intuitivo. Intercompany Management migliora la comunicazione e mantiene i soggetti interessati più informati e allineati per un efficiente processo di riconciliazione intercompany.

Ottimizza le riconciliazioni intercompany per chiusure più rapide e precise

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Raccogli i dati in modo affidabile senza bisogno dell'IT.

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Elimina gli errori nella raccolta dei dati da diversi sistemi di contabilità.

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Abilita le società ad effettuare la riconciliazione in modo indipendente.

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Accelera il processo di closing.

Una soluzione per ogni leader

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Chief Financial Officer

Fornisci una chiara visione dei dati per aiutare la tua organizzazione a governare le performance finanziarie ed essere preparato a gestire il futuro.

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A man in a white shirt and glasses stands in front of a group of people, smiling warmly.

Responsabile del Consolidato

Raggiungi gli obiettivi di conformità e reporting con una maggiore sicurezza dei dati per accelerare le decisioni aziendali.

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Addetto al Consolidato

Migliora l'efficienza e l'affidabilità dei tuoi processi più dispendiosi in termini di tempo con la raccolta dati e la validazione automatizzate. 

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A person working on a laptop with a graph displayed on the screen.

Fatto per i leader finanziari

Discover Prophix One and unlock your potential for success.

Automatizza la riconciliazione, il consolidato e il reporting per un closing più preciso.

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Ottimizza il closing eliminando i processi manuali e automatizzando quelli ricorrenti.

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Si integra facilmente con i sistemi aziendali per acquisire e condividere dati. 

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After running a consolidation, Intercompany Management flags any mismatches. For example, an exchange rate difference affecting a payable and receivable will be highlighted for timely resolution. Intercompany Management makes it easy to define rules of reconciliation, allowing you to set-up automatic intercompany eliminations for conversion differences and real differences on specific accounts. Intercompany Management automatically generates an Intercompany Reconciliation Report, providing visibility to the entire team.

Relying on manual processes to settle intercompany transactions can lead to inaccuracies, and doing so during the general ledger close increases the risk of errors. Intercompany Management makes it easy to create intercompany accounts and apply rules to automate the settlement of differences. Intercompany Management improves data quality while enhancing transparency and ensuring compliance across the organization.

Anomaly Detection uses the power of machine learning to analyze general ledger and sub-ledger transactions (accounts receivable, accounts payable, and subsidiary ledgers) providing you with deep analysis of your data to uncover outliers, errors, and possible fraud, expediting their resolution for a faster close using clean data.


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